Climate resilience and economic sustainability in Kenya and Uganda: the role of carbon credits
Agenzia italiana per la cooperazione allo sviluppo - Ufficio di Nairobi, Ambasciata d'Italia in Kenya, Ambasciata d'Italia in Uganda, Istituto italiano di cultura - Nairobi

Tuesday, May 21, 2024 h. 10:00-11:30
Climate Resilience and Economic Sustainability in Kenya and Uganda: The role of Carbon Credits in Forest Conservation
Background: Forests play a crucial role in mitigating climate change by sequestering carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. However, rampant deforestation and degradation of forest ecosystems pose significant challenges to environmental sustainability and socio-economic development. Recognizing the importance of conservation and restoration efforts, various initiatives have been undertaken globally, with a particular focus on leveraging carbon credits as a mechanism for incentivizing forest protection and restoration activities.
Objective: The objective of this round table is to explore the role of carbon credits in promoting the conservation and restoration of forest ecosystems, with a specific emphasis on the experiences and strategies employed by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation and its key partners in Kenya and Uganda. By bringing together experts and policymakers, the webinar aims to facilitate knowledge exchange, identify best practices, and catalyze collaborative efforts towards sustainable forest management and climate resilience.